Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold
Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

Swim down into the tomb and climb the wall to the left.

shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

You will then find a bonfire on the other side, and the start of the tomb ahead across t he rickety bridge. Swim to land, climb the rocks to the right, and jump onto the hanging statue to lever the other one up that’s blocking your progress. When you enter, swing across the pit only to fall in the water below. Reward: Caiman’s Heart – Health regenerates more quickly. And there you have it, the monument is at the top (along with sold good spread around). Climb up and watch out for the falling debris. Take the ride and collect some of the resources on the other side, including a mural, and then when you’re ready, jump across to the rocks (which is down the steps). With the line now set to it, you’ll be able to get there in time. Go pull the log once more and quickly jump back onto the box. Shoot an arrow from the now snapped line onto the box and jump back across. Jump across to the otherside and move the original contraption back to where it started. Pick up the resources around and pull the giant log to bring a box around. Go to the left side where you’re able to shoot an arrow and make a zip line to cross. Head back outside of the small cave and take a left across the log. To the left will be resources and a survival cache to dig up. Climb the tree jump across and push forward. There is some gold to the left of the tree, along with some mushrooms.

shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold

If you want to exit, turn 180 degrees and go that way, otherwise keep pushing forward. Slide through the little entrance and climb up the path to the right. Make your way across another broken down stairway until you find a base camp. Make your way across and rappel down to find a camp where there will be resources and a journal. There will be a carcass of an animal you can harvest just right next to it. Go under the already-set-off-trap and climb the tree to your left of the pit.

Shadow of the tomb raider hidden city gold